We know well that the four Gospels refer to Jesus’ life and work. But in fact all scripture, starting with Genesis, Psalms, Isaiah, other prophets of the Old Testament, then follow the book of Acts, the Epistles of the New Testament and Revelation, present the perfect work of the Lord Jesus Christ, as well as His imminent return.
From the beginning to the end of the Bible, we discover different names and works, prophecies or types of the person of Jesus. The coming of the Messiah into the world is the event that we identify as a central axis of the whole Word of God, including, the books of the old Testament.
We know, however, that many believers neglect the reading and thorough study of the old Testament. For them, the old Testament is a book of the Jewish religion, which was erroneously practiced by the Pharisees of the time of the Lord Jesus. But the importance and validity of the old Testament to us is confirmed by the passages relating to real events and detailed descriptions of Jesus’ earthly life. The text in the old Testament is full of wonderful promises, which are valid for those who are sons of Abraham, by grace and by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 4:9-16; Gal. 3:7).
The person of the Lord Jesus is mentioned thousands of years before his incarnation. He is the first time called Shilo (Messiah), who comes from the tribe of Judah and who will rule the nations (Genesis 49). Then we find him presented as a star, a prophet by whom God will speak as he spoke through Moses, a child, anointed, Father of eternity and other names describing him who would become a savior.
Jesus is the only character whose history was written by dozens of different authors centuries before he lived a single day on this earth. The accuracy and details in which the life of the Savior is found on the pages of the old Testament, often gives the reader the impression that the writers were eyewitnesses to the events described by them.
Jesus, in the dialogue with the two disciples who went to Emmaus, began from Moses and all the Prophets, interpreted all the Scriptures concerning Himself. (Luke 24:27). Due to the rich content refering to Jesus, the Son of God, we consider the old Testament as an integral part of the living Word of God. The Word can build up our soul and give us the legacy together with all the Saints (Acts. 20:32 ).
Dear Readers, we cordially invite you to study with us the significance of the Old Testament concerning the birth, life, death, Resurrection, Ascension and Return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We wish you all a blessed year end and happy holidays!
Pastor Vasile Cinpean