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Profetul Zaharia

Memory Verse

Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


Zechariah 9:9 – Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.

Younger Group

  • Watch: Younger Group Video Lesson 12

Discussion Questions

  • What did a prophet do? (shared God’s message with the people)
  • What did God tell Zechariah to collect from the people? (silver and gold to make a crown for Joshua, Zech. 6:9)
  • What was the special message of hope to God’s people? (Zechariah said the Messiah is coming, Zech. 9:9)
  • Why do you think God spoke this message of hope through Zechariah? (Guide the kids to see that God cares for us. The Israelites were struggling in rebuilding the temple and finding their identity as a people. God reminded them that they are His chosen people.)
  • How can we be encouraged to obey God even when life is difficult? (Help the kids understand that God has given us hope for a future eternity with Him, but we also get to be part of His kingdom here on this earth. Our obedience flows out of our love for Him and for what He has done for us. )
  • How do we know Jesus is the Messiah? (Guide kids to understand that Jesus claimed to be the Messiah, and God showed other people that Jesus is the Messiah. Jesus perfectly fulfilled Old Testament prophecies, such as those found in today’s story, and did miracles to prove His identity as God’s Son. Jesus perfectly obeyed all the law, showing us exactly who God is. )

Older Group

  • Watch: Older Group Video Lesson 12

Discussion Questions

  • Who was Zechariah? A prophet, somebody who communicated the messages God had for his people, to them.
  • How many visions did Zechariah have, and who did he have them for? He had eight, they were all different, all important for God’s people.
  • What was the main message (theme) that Zechariah came to deliver? The Messiah, Jesus, was coming.
  • Can you think of a time when you tried to do the right thing, while everyone around you was doing the wrong things? I bet you can, think hard about it.
  • How can we be encouraged to obey God, even when it is difficult? Obeying God is not always popular, or easy, but it is the RIGHT thing to do.  We show our love for God by obeying His commands.

Știri și Evenimente

Support Financiar - Vă rugăm să luați în considerare să ne susțineți financiar. Vă rugăm să trimiteți cecuri personale la: 5544 SE 128th Ave. Portland Oregon, 97236 2 Corinteni 9:8 Şi Dumnezeu poate să vă umple cu orice har, pentru ca, având totdeauna în toate lucrurile din destul, să prisosiţi în orice faptă bună,...
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